24 Phrasal Verbs about Travel
Learn useful phrasal verbs about travel for your next holiday abroad with a new episode of the ‘Figure Out English’ podcast.
Learn useful phrasal verbs about travel for your next holiday abroad with a new episode of the ‘Figure Out English’ podcast.
Learn how to give and ask for recommendations for things and places. You can’t just say: ‘Go there’, it’s rude, isn’t it? Imagine someone is visiting your town – what will you recommend them to see? Say: ‘You should go…
Learn how to ask for recommendations in English and give advice about people and places. Improve your spoken English.
Mistakes with prepositions are common among English learners. Improve your grammar with our new episode about prepositions used after the verb ARRIVE. Yes, it's a bit tricky!
We know how to make up past forms for regular verbs but they still may cause us trouble in speaking. I hear pronunciation mistakes from English learners almost every day, unfortunately. The rule of regular verbs pronunciation is not difficult…
Podcasts are now a big deal in language learning, and it is quite easy to understand why. We develop our basic confidence in the language through listening. If we can understand what people around us say, we start talking to…
<<Subscribe on iTunes>> <<Support us>> Today I am talking about the structures we use a lot in everyday conversations: how to say that you like something and how much you like it (they are also called preferences). There is a…
I often hear English students say something like: ‘It’s much more easier’ or ‘It’s much more colder today than yesterday’. Would you say this phrase too? I am asking you because you need to remember that it is not correct.…